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Get the Most Out of Your Health Plan During Pregnancy

May 24, 2017

Yes, your pregnancy is covered by your health plan. Knowing that is just the first step. Now it’s time to find out how to use your coverage to stay healthy during your pregnancy and beyond. Use this infographic as a guide from what to do first, like finding the right doctor, to adding a new baby to your insurance.

Infographic Text

Get the Most Out of Your Health Plan During Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with lots of questions – from you and your baby’s health, to what kind of diapers you’ll buy. We can’t help with the diapers, but we can help with answers about your health plan!

Did you know…

Your pregnancy is covered by your health plan. In fact, maternity is one of 10 essential health benefits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). There’s no eligibility waiting period for pregnancy coverage, and pregnancy cannot be considered a preexisting condition.

Questions to Ask When Planning for Prenatal Care
What is the cost of my plan’s:
  • Deductible - The money you owe for health care services before your health plan begins paying for your expenses.
  • Copay - A fixed payment for health care services, paid when you receive the service.
  • Premium - A monthly fee that is paid to your health plan to provide coverage.
  • Which pediatricians are in my plan’s network?
  • Which hospitals and labs are in my plan’s network?
  • What prenatal tests are covered?
  • Is there any special treatment I would like or need, and is that covered by my plan?
What Your Health Plan Will Pay For
Coverage varies some from plan to plan, so check your plan’s specifics. But in general, know that most plans cover:
  • STD testing
  • Rh incompatibility testing
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Gestational diabetes testing
  • Breastfeeding counseling and equipment
  • Post-birth birth control
  • Birth
  • Medical coverage of any complications
Dependent Care Accounts

Creating a dependent care account lets you pay for your child’s health care using pretax dollars.

Dependent care accounts are Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and provide a tax-free way to save money for your newborn’s health care.

Contribute money to your FSA before going on maternity leave to maximize the amount you can contribute to the account.

Childbirth, but not pregnancy, allows you to contribute more to your dependent care account.

Getting Baby Insured

Of course, once your bundle of joy arrives, you want to make sure he or she is covered.

You must add your baby to your plan within 30 days of birth.

Baby’s first doctor appointment will be within just a few days of birth, so choose an in-network pediatrician before your baby arrives.